This section is dedicated to CompNet-related policy briefs which feature short papers on competitiveness related fields with and without CompNet data. This section is aimed at encouraging policy-related debate based on sound data analysis.
Policy Brief No 12 - Covid and Productivity one year after - What did surprise us?
Policy Brief No 11 - The viral effects of foreign trade and supply networks in the Euro area
Policy Brief No 9 - EU firms participation in GVC: Bliss or curse after COVID?
Policy Brief No 7 - A micro-based look at the evolution of investment over the great recession
Policy Brief No 6 - Global Value Chains reshape our policy thinking
Policy Brief No 5 - Measuring institutional competitiveness in Europe
Policy Brief No 4 - Mapping competitive pressure between China and EU countries
Policy Brief No 1 - Going beyond labour costs
VoxEU, Talking about Competitiveness in Europe: Productivity not Protection, 2023
VoxEu, Solving Europe's Productivity Puzzle, 2020
VoxEu, The COVID crisis and productivity growth, 2020
VoxEu, Granular inputs to policy and research: The latest vintage of the CompNet dataset, 2019
VoxEu, You need an 'extra moment' to assess the impact of the exchange rate, 2017