7th vintage



The 7th Vintage CompNet dataset is now available!

The CompNet dataset includes a set of micro-aggregated indicators to enhance policy and academic analysis on competitiveness and productivity. All the indicators are computed by National Data Provider using firm-level data.


How the dataset looks like?

The dataset includes indicators computed at firm-level data by national data providers. Those indicators are aggregated and harmonized to allow cross-country comparability.

For each indicators we provide the following moments: percentiles (1,10,25,50,75,90,95,99), mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, number of observation and sum of weights.


Which variables are included?

The dataset includes variables of the following modules: competitiveness, finance, labour, productivity and trade.

Besides descriptive statistics, we provide also joint distributions, regressions and transition matrices.

Different aggregations are available: country level, macro-sector, macro-sector and size class, 2-digits sector  and NUTS2.

A full overview of all the variables can be found here.


What are the novelties of the new 7th Vintage dataset?

-        The naming scheme is changed to help the user-friendliness of the dataset.

-        New variables are computed, among the others: production functions with IFA, job destruction and job birth rates, a larger set of variable in the trade module.

-         Higher and improved coverage for many countries.


Which countries are included and for which time span?

The dataset is an unbalanced panel including 19 European countries, the time span differs among countries and it is between 1999 and 2017.

CountryFull Sample20eTime Span
Czech Republicxx2005-2017
Hungaryx 2003-2017
Lithuana x2000-2017
Poland x2005-2017
Slovakia x2000-2017

How CompNet can help my research?

CompNet dataset is unique in terms of data coverage and cross-country comparability. A constant dialogue with data providers (National statistical Institutes and Central Banks) allows to continuously improve the coverage of the firm-level data, ensure the quality and the reliability of the indicators.

An example of how CompNet can be used for policy analysis is the 2020 Firm Productivity Report. More academic papers using CompNet data can be found here.


Which document should I read before to start using Data?

The 7th Vintage User Guide provides a detailed overview of all the information needed.

The Cross-Country Comparability Report (Melitz et al. 2018) assess the the reliability of CompNet data for policy analysis and research in terms of coverage, representativeness and cross-country comparability.


Can I have more information or exchange opinion about my research using CompNet?

The Scientific Team provides continuous support to the users. CompNet also organizes conferences and workshops which are great opportunities to exchange opinions, enhance collaboration between users and receive feedback on the respective research work. An overview of the last events can be found here.



C – Competitiveness

F – Financial

L – Labour

P – Productivity

T – Trade

O – Other


Data request

All researchers can apply to have access to the CompNet competitiveness data by submitting the data request form to the CompNet team via the IWH Research Data Centre.

7th Vintage User Guide

The User Guide can be found here.

Related dataset: The ComProd Monitor

More information about the Monitor can be found here.