FINPRO 4 - 25-26 September 2024 - Barcelona (ESADE)

FINPRO 4 - 25-26 September 2024 - Barcelona (ESADE)

The FINPRO4 Conference took place on 25-26 September 2024 at ESADE Business School in Barcelona. Thanks to the support of our co-organizers, sponsors, and distinguished speakers, the event was a great success. We are pleased to share most of the materials and resources presented during the conference below for your reference.

Further Links: Conference Summary

Day 1 - 25 September 2024 (Recording)

Welcome Address by Chairman of CompNet, Filippo Di Mauro

Keynote speech by Professor Patrick BOLTON (Columbia Business School, Imperial College London) 

Session 1 – Innovation, Market Power and Carbon Management 

Paper 1 – ‘The Role of Firms in Green Transition’ by Gulserim Ozcan (OECD) 

Discussion: Helena Schweiger (EBRD) 

Paper 2 – ‘Market power, innovation, and the green transition’ by Rik Rozendaal (Leiden University) 

Discussion: Yusuf Soner Baskaya (Glasgow University, Adam Smith Business School) 

Session 2 – Production and Supply Chain Responses to Environmental Regulation

Paper 3 - ‘Climate supervisory shocks and bank lending’ by Maria Alessia Aiello (Banca d'Italia) 

Discussion: Diana Bomfin (Banco de Portugal, ECB, Católica Lisbon and CEPR) 

Paper 4 – ‘Picking Up the PACE: Loans for Residential Climate-Proofing’ by Francesco Mazzola (ESCP Europe) 

Discussion: Pedro Gete (IE University) 

Policy Panel: Beatrice Weder di Mauro (CEPR president, IHEID), Galina Hale (Professor at UC Santa Cruz), Dr Mirabelle Muûls (CEPR, Imperial College London) and Lucrezia Reichlin (Professor in Economics at LBS, CEPR) 


Day 2 - 26 September 2024 (Recording)

Session 3 – Financial Markets and Insurance with Climate Risk 

Paper 5 – ‘How climate-awake are financial markets?’ By Galina Hale (UCSC, NBER, CEPR) 

Discussion: Gulserim Ozcan (OECD) 

Paper 6 – ‘Climate change, catastrophes, uninsurability and the macroeconomy’ by Miles Parker (ECB) 

Discussion: Francesco Mazzola (ESCP) 

Session 4 – Economic Effects of Climate Shocks and Adaptation 

Paper 7 – ‘Heterogeneous effects of weather shocks on firm economic performance’ by Romano Tarsia (London School of Economics) 

Discussion: Andrea Chiavari (Oxford University) 

Paper 8 – ‘Weathering the Storm: Sectoral Economic and Inflationary Effects of Floods and the Role of Adaptation’ by Matteo Ficarra (Geneva Graduate Institute) 

Discussion: Bhavyaa Sharma (University of California, Santa Cruz) 

Keynote speech by Dr Mirabelle Muûls (CEPR, Imperial College London)

Session 5 – Policy and Financial Tools for Climate Adaptation

Paper 9 – ‘Opening the Brown Box: Production Responses to Environmental Regulation’ by Lakshmi Naaraayanan (London Business School) 

Discussion: Ralph de Haas (EBRD) 

Paper 10 – ‘Rewiring Supply Chains Through Climate Policy’ by Olimpia Carradori (University of Zurich) 

Discussion: Lakshmi Naaraayanan (London Business School)