
13. CompNet Annual Conference in Malta (20-21. June 2024)

Get the resources from the conference here.

The Technical Support Instrument (TSI): Year One: Achievements and way ahead

View the presentation

4th FINPRO - Conference on Finance & Productivity

Topic: Climate shocks, innovation, financing, and global adaptation  

25-26 September 2024 in Barcelona

More Info

Paper submission has ended. Authors will be notified soon!

CEPR White Paper: Microdata for Economic Research in Europe: Challenges and Proposals. By E. Bartelsman, F. di Mauro, M. Matani, S. Inferrera, U. Panizza & M. Polder.

Click here to access the paper.

CompNet and Malta's NSO Collaborate on Productivity Insights

New CompNet Productivity Report

Read it here.

3rd TSI Workshop

22-23 February 2024 in Vienna, Austria

9th Vintage Dataset

Welcome to CompNet

The Competitiveness Research Network (CompNet) provides a forum for high level research and policy analysis in the areas of competitiveness and productivity. Its main activities include the regular updating of its micro-based competitiveness dataset for European countries, unprecedented in terms of coverage and cross-country comparability.

Research Output

Users of the CompNet dataset have published more than 70 papers both in various working paper series and in a number of peer-reviewed journals.

IWH-CompNet Discussion Papers Other Output from CompNet members

Policy Output

This section collects brief notes that address urgent policy problems as well as reports on productivity by network members and European Productivity Boards.

Policy Briefs Policy Reports and Notes